Klassenzimmer in Guatemala
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New Education Strategy in Guatemala

The Ministry of Education in Guatemala has introduced a new strategy to facilitate reading and writing for primary school children. This nationwide strategy has been implemented with significant support from the Pestalozzi Children's Foundation (PCF) and its partner organisation.

In Guatemala, more and more children are failing to reach the desired level in reading, writing, and arithmetic. This situation has worsened during the Covid pandemic, as in-person classes were suspended during this period.

With our projects, we have been fighting against this issue for some time. The Ministry of Education has now also recognised the seriousness of the situation. On 3rd June 2024, the newly formed Ministry launched a strategy to help primary school children whose academic performance is below their age level catch up in reading and writing. The Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation, along with its partner organisation OEI (Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura), have played a crucial role in developing the strategy's content. The expertise they developed in their mutual project and the contributions from PCF’s Country Office in Guatemala in a Ministry of Education working group have been instrumental in this success. The new strategy is now being implemented nationwide in all schools and will also influence the future implementation of PCF’s country programme.

In the video (minutes 27-29 and 43-45), the Minister and Vice-Minister of Education express their gratitude to the Pestalozzi Children's Foundation and OEI (in Spanish).

Mädchen im Schulunterricht in Guatemala
The new education strategy aims to help pupils catch up in reading and writing.